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Hero Statue

Surface Type: Marble | Product Used: Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer | Project Completed: December 2013

Fabricator: Precision Stone | Applicator: Gemco Restorations 



The Hero statue is a 13-foot-high marble sculpture located at the public plaza at 1095 Avenue of the Americas in New York City. The 8,000 pound Hero is a reinterpretation of Michelangelo’s David. The marble is designed in a system of repeated planes stacked on top of one another, giving the appearance the art is moving.  Hero is part of a public art project, The Guardians: Hero and Superhero by acclaimed Italian architect and designer Antonio Pio Saracino. The statue is a gift from Italy to the United States as a symbol of the friendship and cultural heritage shared between the countries.   



  • Sealer must protect the surface against freeze-thaw spalling
  • Treated surface must become easier to clean and stay looking good for as long as possible, withstanding commercial cleaning processes
  • The look and finish of the surface has to be retained 



STAIN-PROOF Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer, formerly known as STAIN-PROOF PLUS™, was chosen for the project.

The Hero statue will be permanently located outside and will be subjected to New York’s sub-zero temperatures, air pollution and bird droppings.For this reason Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer was used because its superior penetration and water repellency will greatly minimise freeze-thaw spalling and staining.  

Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer permanently bonds to the material through a chemical reaction deep inside the pores where it is not affected by UV light. The sealer’s permanency means it does not need to be re-applied regularly so the cost and effort of maintenance is reduced. Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer will also withstand pressure washing as its modified silane technology actually becomes part of the material. Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer comes with a 25-year performance warranty when the product is applied by a STAIN-PROOF Accredited Applicator. 


Precision Stone
95 Hopper St, Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 997-6190

Gemco Restorations 
95 Hopper St, Westbury, NY 11590
(516) 997-6190

Tagged : Dense Stone Impregnating Sealer, North America, Public, Marble

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